Where Electrical Projects Begin
Representing Leading Manufacturers
- Commercial & Industrial Construction
- Oil & Gas
- Renewable Energy
- Water Treatment
- Data Centers

Best in class electrical products & customer service since 1973
Electrical Manufacturer Representatives serving Arkansas, Western Tennessee, and Northern Mississippi. We provide the best customer experience in the industry and a wide variety of high quality electrical products. Our talented and experienced staff is ready to help you get everything you need to win and finish the job.

The Stone Sales Agency Difference
We get answers and products you need so you can win the work!
SSA’s fifty plus years of experience means we’ve seen almost everything there is to see. We can anticipate problems before they happen, solve technical and engineering problems efficiently, and dramatically cut down on lead times because of our deep network and strong relationships within the industry.
Customer Service
We’re in the people business first. Over the years we’ve earned a strong reputation for going above and beyond our competitors in providing the best customer experience possible. We take the time to educate, troubleshoot, and when you contact us you talk to a real person who is knowledgeable and ready to help now.
Custom Solutions
The electrical products business is complex and often becomes a technical, engineering, and regulation adhering balancing act. Every project presents unique requirements and our team is trained to welcome and expect every curve each new project throws our way. We find ways to make what you need work.
Getting Started is Easy
Ready to mitigate your risks, decrease your lead times, and win more jobs?
Contact Us
The first step is calling, emailing, or filling out the contact form on this website. You’ll tell us about your project and we’ll get to work on a proposed solution.
Proposed Solution
The first step is calling, emailing, or filling out the contact form on this website. You’ll tell us about your project and we’ll get to work on a proposed solution.
Excute Solution
Once we move forward we’re by your side throughout the project helping you execute the job and position yourself to keep winning more work.